Die traditionelle Frage des Obmanns der Imster Fasnacht am Dreikönigstag
(Jakob Kopp: ´s Schemeloufe)
Der Fasnachtsmarsch. Franz Treffner sen.
Uli Gstrein
Gustav Mahler
Home > Imster Fasnacht > Organisation
The appointing of men dealing with organizational tasks has time and time again proved of great value. The town’s administration has even explicitly declared the need for a committee in 1908. These men are elected at the Fasnacht assembly on January 6 and stay in office until the next Schemenlaufen – they form the committee.
In the weeks preceding the Fasnacht, the committee meets at least once a week – during these meetings, questions and tasks about all things Fasnacht are discussed. Of course, the committee is also at work during non-active years of Fasnacht – the museum, the media and other activities keep them on their toes at all times.
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