Die traditionelle Frage des Obmanns der Imster Fasnacht am Dreikönigstag
(Jakob Kopp: ´s Schemeloufe)
Der Fasnachtsmarsch. Franz Treffner sen.
Uli Gstrein
Gustav Mahler
Home > Figures > Witches´brass band
Imst’s boys under 16 are not permitted to take part in the adults’ Fasnacht, they have to wait for Buabefasnacht. But since the witches want to dance, there is one exception to this rule - the witches’ music. Their instruments are badly worn, but this perfectly fits their four traditional tunes. They ought not – must not – sound too harmonious. Up front there’s the bandmaster with his impressive baton. He energetically directs the rhythm and indicates the number of the particular tune with his fingers. Ever since the sixties of the last century he’s been known as “Karajan” – a name of honor.
Especially two instruments of this band deserve to be mentioned. On the one hand there’s the Schellenbaum (bell tree), called Türkischer Huat (Turkish hat), because it originates from the Turkish military music. On the other hand there’s the Scheißhäuslebass (bog bass). Dialect loves vulgar terms, and who’s ever heard this bass can confirm that it really lives up to its name. When the witches select spectators for Einführen they are accompanied by one of the little Hexemusikanten (witches’ musicians) who keeps playing in the meantime. This enhances the honor of the person who is eingeführt.
Haus der Fasnacht
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