Die traditionelle Frage des Obmanns der Imster Fasnacht am Dreikönigstag
(Jakob Kopp: ´s Schemeloufe)
Der Fasnachtsmarsch. Franz Treffner sen.
Uli Gstrein
Gustav Mahler
Home > Figures > Labara
Quite contrary to Auskehren, where there are four Labara groups, there is only one at Schemenlaufen. They perform their Moritat (street ballad), the so called theme, several times wearing top head and tail coat. The sequence of events Is the same as at Auskehren. The Deklamator (declaimer) theatrically tells a funny or ridiculous incident that happened to a native of Imst in artful stanzas. As the authors always try to use fancy, old fashioned expressions, a basic knowledge of the local dialect is vital for the spectators to fully understand them. The Deklamator is supported by a large poster showing humorous images of some of the scenes. As a conclusion the whole group sings a song summarizing the storyline.
Haus der Fasnacht
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